About The Site

     Hi, my name is Kevin Shufelt. Welcome to my website.

     Over three years between updates is slow even by my standards, but here it is. I last updated this in early 2006 and it shows. I think I’ve improved as a photographer, but it is still just an expensive hobby. I guess it’s a good thing I enjoy both being outdoors and photography so much.

     Hobbies is the reason I decided to expand the web site, I thought I’d add a few more of my expensive hobbies to the mix. I’ve enjoyed photography for less than ten years, beer for more than thirty, and music for much longer. You can read more about music and beer in other sections of the site, so now I’ll continue on to photography.

     Photography is the hobby that takes up the largest chunk of my free time these days, although reading and listening to music are right up there. In addition to taking photos, I’m running a local photography club and do some other volunteer work for The Enchanted Forest (a local nature sanctuary).

     Like many other people I enjoy outdoor photography. I got started with photography using a 2 megapixel RCA camera I bought in 2001 and currently carry a Canon 50D and a Canon 5D with a variety of lenses. During the last few years I have been working hard to improve from both a technical and artistic viewpoint, but what I don’t know could still fill volumes. I am reading what I can and I am spending as much time in the field as I can (this usually amounts to ten or more hours per week). I don’t think I’ll ever become as good as I’d like to be, but I certainly intend to keep trying.

     I’ve lived in Titusville, Florida since 1986 and have done the majority of my hiking and photography within twenty miles of my home. I have made occasional forays well away from the area, but I have stayed here mostly because of the opportunities available to indulge in my favorite hobbies. There are quite a few local, state, and national parks in this immediate area that are well worth visiting. These include Tosohatchee, Seminole Ranch, Canaveral Seashore, and Buck Lake to name some of the larger ones, but there are a fair number more.

     I would like to offer a special thank you to the folks at the Enchanted Forest in Titusville who have been so supportive and to Dean Pettit who helped me when I was getting started.

PS: For the photographers among you who care, I’m currently using the following equipment:

Canon 5D
Canon 50D
Canon TS-E 45 mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift
Sigma 15mm f/2.8 Fisheye
Canon 17 – 40 mm f/4 L
Canon 24 – 70 mm f/2.8 L
Canon 70 – 200 mm f/2.8 L
Canon 400 mm f/5.6 L
Sigma 105 mm f/2.8 Macro
Sigma 180 mm f/3.5 Macro
Canon 1.4x Extender
Sigma 2x Extender
Kenko Extension Tube Set
Sunpak PF30X Flash
Manfrotto 055MF3 Tripod
Manfrotto 468MGRC0 Head
















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